
Hunting New England Shipwrecks

Photo Gallery
Nova Scotia Dive Trip

By: Dave Clancy

In August 2003, Palmer Sargent, A.J. Ridley and I enjoyed a one-week wreck diving vacation in Nova Scotia. Our diving operations and accommodations were coordinated by Terry Dwyer of Atlantic Dive Tours in Halifax. Fate dealt us a week of foggy weather, but we didn't let that dampen our spirits, and we did our diving and sightseeing anyway. Because of the location, weather and jagged coastline, the waters around Nova Scotia contain more shipwrecks than any other part of North America. We went to Nova Scotia to dive the wrecks, but in addition to the diving, there were lots of other things to see and do.

We spent the first few days around Halifax, where we dived local wrecks in the mornings and did sightseeing in the afternoons. Halifax is a sophisticated and fun city. Later in the week, we joined up with a group of Canadian divers on rugged Cape Breton Island (the northern part of Nova Scotia) and spent a day diving wrecks at a remote and beautiful place called Saint Paul Island. All in all, the trip was great fun and we made some new friends. Below are some of the pictures we took. Click on the thumbnails to view larger images in a new window. Close the window to return here.

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To help you get
oriented, here's a map
ofNova Scotia
We arrived on a ferry
in a morning fog
Here's the ferry dock at
Digby, note the Bay of 
Fundy's huge tide range
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We stayed for several 
days at the Sheraton on 
the Halifax waterfront
And visited the
Alexander Keith brewery
The ocean tugs of Halifax
are built to handle the
stormy North Atlantic
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These tugs are waiting
for a call
Note the sturdy constr-
uction and the size
We visited the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic
in Halifax
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Here's Palmer by a
torpedo in the musum
And here's Dave
checking out a mine
This is a breeches buoy
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Here's a model of the
famous Halifax tug Foundation Franklin
And here's a model of 
a triple-expansion
steam engine
All wreck divers
would love to find
a nice builder's plaque
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Here's an engine-order telegraph - many were
made by Chadburn
A diver's hardhat And some tackle blocks
and lines
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The SS Atlantic
was wrecked near
Halifax in 1873
Here's a picture of the
Atlantic wreck
Over 500 people died in
the Atlantic disaster
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We dived the HMS Tribune wreck - sunk
near Halifax in 1797
And we dived the Saguenay, deliberately sunk near Lunenburg Cape Breton Island is
the rugged northern
part of  Nova Scotia
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After several days in
Halifax, we drove to
Cape Breton in the fog
The Strait of Canso
separates Cape Breton
and mainland Nova Scotia
Everyone uses the
Canso Causway to
cross the Strait
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This is the Englishtown 
ferry in the far north
Divers get to Saint Paul
Island on a serious lobster boat from Dingwall
We stayed for several days
at this bunkhouse/ museum
in Dingwall
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The museum in Dingwall
is full of shipwreck goodies
Here's a wreck chart of Halifax Harbour And here's a display of
Saint Paul Island
pictures and artifacts
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After 3 hours of steaming
 this was our first view
of Saint Paul
First we unloaded our
small inflatable
Saint Paul Island is small
and has been uninhabited
for many years
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Former Saint Paul resident Ron Lang returned for his first visit in 60 years Here's Palmer adjusting Terry's neck seal And two divers preparing
to dive on a wreck
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There were 14 people
on the boat
We used the small 
inflatable to shuttle
people to the island
Here's Ron going "home"
for a 3-hour visit 
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Thousands of shipwreck victims are buried on
Saint Paul
The big inflatable was
our diver chase boat
Here's Palmer relaxing
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And Sam, our divemaster Saint Paul's cliffs make
the island almost inaccessable
Here's Brian from Maine
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And Craig and company Here's John and 
Captain Scott
Cape Bretoner Harvey
climbs back aboard
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Dave, Sam, Steve and
Palmer - just back
from Saint Paul
Sam worked hard all day Palmer, Terry and Dave
at the Dingwall museum
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The day we left for
home, the fog lifted
This good boy
keeps watch over
the bunkhouse
Even the bunkhouse
looks better in the sun
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We drove south through Cape Breton Highlands National Park The dramatic coastal road
is called the Cabot Trail
Palmer enjoys the view
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Heading south over the causway and back home That's the schooner 
Bluenose on the 
license plate
We had a great time
and hope to go back
again soon!

For more information on Nova Scotia wrecks, check out our Nova Scotia Shipwrecks page.

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Copyright © 2001 by Dave Clancy
All Rights Reserved